HA! Made you look!👀 No, but seriously we need a BREAK!! While we are extremely grateful for all of our customers both NEW and LOYAL, we are taking some time away. Our kids have spring break coming up this weekend and we are taking advantage of it BEFORE our "real"busy season starts with spring planting of our grains, yellow peas, mustard and flax. So what does this mean exactly? Orders place after Wednesday March 12, will not be handled until Thursday, March 27th. As a special pre-vacay treat the flour you have been anxiously awaiting is back in stock!! You can buy SPELT 🌾 Flour now!! As you know my farmer has been working tirelessly to dehull and clean our spelt for our whole grain customers. It's been a long 10 days and he is finally done. We are excited for you all to experience our new crop spelt and you can purchase it NOW in 2lb, 5lb and 25lb sacks. Thank You all for your continued support and spending your hard earned money on our grains, flour, pasta and flaked barley. Until Next time💚

My heart sank down into my stomach when I read your first line, but was quickly brought back to happy life, knowing that you are just taking a well deserved break. Finding your website and buying your barley and flaked barely has been amazing. I've since that time, also bought some of your other grains that I'm loving. Thank you for your hard work, enjoy your short time away with your family.
Good to hear you’re going to get some time away to recharge. I was hoping you weren’t really closing. I’ve been sending people your way for the last year or two., I love your products and I would hate to see them go away for real.